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Northwest Email FAQ


电子邮件在商业和教育中有着重要的作用,它对日常交流实践的影响是不可否认的,而且是深远的. Every day, 公司向客户发送了数百万封电子邮件, employees to other employees and students to faculty.  和记棋牌娱乐提供其校园社区的每个成员, including its recognized organizations, 通过Office 365 (Outlook)使用大学电子邮件帐户.

You & Northwest Email

和记棋牌娱乐为教师提供电子邮件服务, staff and students, as well as, 组织和部门的杂项帐目.

Faculty, 教职员工和学生可以使用预装的微软Outlook软件, which provides calendar and note-taking features, 在西北航空公司发放的笔记本电脑上管理他们的西北航空电子邮件. 和记棋牌娱乐信息技术系鼓励教职员工和学生使用Outlook.  

Note: You cannot change your Northwest Network Account password within the Outlook desktop or mobile app.  However, 在台式机或笔记本电脑上使用网页浏览器时,你可以在电子邮件中更改密码.

虽然西北航空公司不定期监控电子邮件,但电子邮件永远不应被视为完全隐私. 以下最佳做法有助确保你及他人的私隐:

  • Email is easily misdirected due to misspellings, therefore, 在发送信息之前,要小心确保电子邮件地址是正确的.
  • If you receive a message that you do not understand, 请记住,它可能不是针对您的,或者它可能试图让您响应“网络钓鱼”的目的.
  • Never read another person’s email messages. 电子邮件与通过邮局收到的邮件没有什么不同.
  • 避免在电子邮件中使用威胁和仇恨的术语.
  • While messages are in transit, 它们可能会经过几个系统,人们可以阅读或打印它们.
  • 总是避免通过电子邮件提供关于自己或他人的敏感信息,除非你确定是谁在询问这些信息.
  • 电子邮件可以用于诉讼,也可以被雇主用来监控公司网络上的内部通信. Thus, 如果您不希望收件人以外的其他人阅读该消息, then do not send it by email.
  • 避免打开有问题的电子邮件附件或由于病毒和网络钓鱼计划的链接! 
    • Call before you click!  660.562.1634



How do I change my Northwest email password?

You can change your Northwest Network Account password, also used for Northwest Email, through Outlook for Web. See Understanding Your Northwest Login Credentials for other options to change your password.

Note: 这些步骤必须在笔记本电脑或台式电脑的web浏览器中执行.

  1. Open a web browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Log into your Northwest Email.
  3. 单击显示收件箱的页面右上角的圆圈.
    • 这个圈应该包含你的头像或你的首字母缩写.
  4. Click View Account.
  5. Click Change Password.
  6. Enter your current password in the Old password field.
  7. Enter your new password in the Create new password box and the Confirm new password box.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. 如果您看到一个配置文件页面,说明您的密码已成功更改.

How do I login to Northwest Email?

Northwest Email can be accessed online through the Bearcat Login page.

You can also set up and use Microsoft Outlook 在你的西北公司发行的笔记本电脑或台式电脑上,而不是上网.  在和记棋牌娱乐发行的所有笔记本电脑和台式机上都可以使用Outlook,和记棋牌娱乐鼓励你使用这款软件.  

You will login to your Northwest Email with your Northwest Network Account username and password.

如何在西北公司发行的笔记本电脑上安装Microsoft Outlook?

Once set up, 你可以在西北公司发行的笔记本电脑上使用Outlook接收西北公司的电子邮件,而无需使用网络浏览器.  然而,你需要一个活跃的互联网连接来通过Outlook接收电子邮件.

  • Click Start.
  • Click Outlook.
    • You can also type Outlook in the Windows search box.
  • 如果这是您第一次登录Outlook,将出现一个配置窗口.
  • Enter your Northwest email address.
  • Click Connect.
  • Enter your Northwest Network Account password.
  • Click Sign in.
  • Uncheck Allow my organization to manage my device.
  • Click Ok.
  • Uncheck Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too.
    • 如果你想在你的智能手机上使用这个应用程序,你可以不勾选这个.
  • Click Done.
  • Once Outlook opens, close and reopen it.
  • 如果在安装过程中遇到任何困难,请与 Northwest Technology Service Center at 660.562.1634!

在非大学提供的计算机上设置Outlook以成功地与西北电子邮件一起工作, please see the Microsoft Outlook/Office 365 help page

How do I set up my Northwest Email on my smartphone?

由于西北电子邮件帐户被设置为使用多因素认证, 你需要在你的智能手机上下载并安装微软Outlook应用程序.  Once the Outlook app is installed on your phone, 你需要将你的西北电子邮件帐户添加到应用程序.  请参阅下面相应的部分,了解基于设备上的操作系统类型的安装和设置步骤.

Apple iOS

  • Open the App Store.
  • Search Outlook.
  • Install the Outlook app.
  • Select Outlook.
  • Enter your Northwest email address.
  • Select Sign in.
  • When the page loads, enter your Northwest Network Account password.
  • Select Sign in.
  • 当出现提示时,按照屏幕上的步骤验证您的身份.
  • When prompted to add another account, select Maybe Later.
  • 如果在安装过程中遇到任何困难,请与 Northwest Technology Service Center at 660.562.1634.


  • Open the Play Store.
  • Search Outlook.
  • Install the Outlook app.
  • Select Outlook.
  • Select Add Account.
  • Enter your Northwest email address.
  • When the page loads, enter your Northwest Network Account password.
  • Select Sign in.
  • 当出现提示时,按照屏幕上的步骤验证您的身份.
  • When prompted to add another account, select Maybe Later.
  • 如果在安装过程中遇到任何困难,请与 Northwest Technology Service Center at 660.562.1634.


The university's global address list 都可以在和记棋牌娱乐的电子邮件账户中使用,这样教职员工, 教职员工和学生可以查找并发送电子邮件给其他西北学生, 教职员工不必知道这个人的完整电子邮件地址. 

在Outlook中打开新邮件后,只需点击 To: and Northwest's entire global address list will appear.  You can also click To: in Outlook and type a person's full name in the Search textbox.  然后双击要将其放入的人员的名称 To: field and click Ok.


是的,你有个人文件存储,你可以通过登录你的西北电子邮件访问.  File storage is 1 terabyte in OneDrive.  要访问OneDrive,请使用web浏览器登录西北电子邮件,然后单击 app launcher icon (located in the top left corner).

Microsoft Office 365 app icons


Northwest students get to keep active Northwest Network Account 登录凭证,它允许访问西北电子邮件,为 one full year after withdrawing or graduating from the University.  这条规则的例外是由于纪律处分而被大学开除的学生.

Northwest faculty and staff Northwest Network Accounts including email access are immediately locked after their last shift or after 5 p.m. on their last full day of scheduled work. 

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